Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The app is complete...or is it?

So, I've finished my first app. Actually, it was a few weeks ago. I had it up on the web for anyone who happened to stumble by to download and install. I have my little ads in there, and it all seems to work. I let it bake on a couple of phones with a little testing. I saw one crash, which actually had to do with memory issues on one of the phones, life was good. I then built and signed my release .apk, and put that version up. I verified that I had the signing right, and the app still worked. I let it bake a little longer, did some more testing, and life was still good. It was time to take the big step, give The Google my $25, and become an official android developer so I could upload. Life was good.

I went in to try to upload, and I get a message telling me that the attribute android:name is not a string value. I've been fighting with this in my free time for about a week now, and so far, no love. Don't bother telling me that there's something wrong with my AndroidManifest.xml. I will respond with a "no shit, I've already figured out that is probably the case!" and then I may throw things at you. I'm still going over my files, and reaching out trying to get help with this. Rest assured that I will post when I find out what is actually wrong with my app.

After fighting with this I realized an additional issue. My app wouldn't run on anything above android ver 1.6. In spite of the extremely useful "Maybe there's something wrong with your androidManifest.xml file" answers...(roughly 1 millisecond of googling confirmed that for me, thank you very much, you mental giants)...I got fed up, and decided to rewrite the app from the ground up. Literally, line by line, from the ground up. I tested along the way, and had no issues, right up until putting in the elements to an in my androidManifest.xml, and there was the issue. The name attribute on my tag was a string resource. Doesn't sound like an issue to me, and in fact the google docs say to use a string resource. I was set up correctly, but it didn't work. I hard coded the value of the name attribute, and the problem vanished. That's it. The end.
I don't know why, but it didn't like using a string resource in the name attribute value.

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